Android 程式開發專案版本升級 Upgrade or Downgrade!

Android 版本異動,真的可以說是日新月異,




Android 專案要升版(如:1.5 to 3.2)或降版  (如:3.2 to  1.5),都可以用這一招,



2.按右鍵選擇"Property" 屬性

3.在 Property 視窗裡選擇Android, 這時即可選擇你想要異動為那一種的版本。

在AndroidManifest.xml裡的  android:minSdkVersion 這個屬性要自己手動去改喔!!!
 如Android 2.2 => android:minSdkVersion="8"

更詳細說明可以參考官方說明書:Managing Projects from Eclipse with ADT

Setting up a Library Project
A library project is a standard Android project, so you can create a new one in the same way as you would a new application project.

When you are creating the library project, you can select any application name, package, and set other fields as needed, as shown in figure 1.

Next, set the project's properties to indicate that it is a library project:

1.In the Package Explorer, right-click the library project and select Properties.
2.In the Properties window, select the "Android" properties group at left and locate the Library properties at right.
3.Select the "is Library" checkbox and click Apply.
4.Click OK to close the Properties window.

The new project is now marked as a library project. You can begin moving source code and resources into it, as described in the sections below.

You can also convert an existing application project into a library. To do so, simply open the Properties for the project and select the "is Library" checkbox. Other application projects can now reference the existing project as a library project.

以前HKT真的傻傻的搬過CODE從Android 0.8 to 0.9,1.5,1.6,
(那時Develop Guide未提及半字><""")

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