導讀 Kinect for Windows SDK 說明文件 Beta 2 (3)

繼上一篇,導讀 Kinect for Windows SDK Beta 2 說明文件 (2)
持續不鬆懈的再出第(3)篇,陪大家一起 K 說明文件。


在安裝 Kinect for Windows SDK 的注意事項。




如果沒雜事的話,目前寄來約3~4天裡回覆!!! (但通常 #@%#$%^#$ 一堆!!! ><")

好的~回到這篇主題:安裝 Kinect for Windows SDK 時的注意事項

密切關注,KT Kinect 相關開發文章的朋友們,不厭其煩的再看一次吧!!!

當你安裝完 Kinect for Windows SDK Beta 2 在預設安裝目錄底下,




2. Installation (安裝 Kinect for Windows SDK 的注意事項)

To install the SDK Beta:
1.     Make sure the Kinect device is not plugged in to the USB port on your computer. 
(安裝SDK時,電腦USB孔,請不要連結 Kinect 裝置)

2.     If you installed any previous Kinect for Windows SDK, uninstall it first.  Similarly, you must remove any other drivers for the Kinect device.
        (若你之前,有裝過舊的版本,如SDK Beta 1,請先將他移除。
       同樣的,或許你也有裝過如Open NI 或
       相關的Kinect 驅動程式的版本,也必需移除,
否則無法執行或開發Kinect for Windows SDK Beta 2的功能)

3.     Close Visual Studio.
Note: You must close Visual Studio before installing the SDK and then restart it after installation to pick up the KINECTSDK_DIR environment variables that the SDK requires.
       (安裝SDK時,請不要開啟Visual Studio開發程式)
4.     From the download location for the SDK Beta package, double-click the link for your Windows installation: 32-bit or 64-bit.
(根據你的電腦是 32 位元還是 64 位元,
下載安裝對應的 Kinect SDK版本)


Q.如何查看電腦是32 位元還是 64 位元版本?



Kinect for Windows SDK Beta 2下載點: http://kinectforwindows.org/download/
連結至官網後,可以看到下方,可以選擇 32 位元還是 64 位元版本。


5.     Once the SDK has completed installing successfully, ensure your Kinect device is plugged in to an external power source then plug the Kinect into the PC’s USB port.  The drivers will load automatically.  Your Kinect should now be working correctly.
        重新開機後,就可以將Kinect 裝置接上電源,USB端連接到電腦,就可以正常被運行。)
6.     To run the samples, ensure that the DirectX and Speech prerequisites are installed.  They are listed in the previous section.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Kinect\v1.0 Beta2\Samples\bin 
裡面的 「ShapeGame.exe」



If the driver is installed correctly:

1.     You should see a blinking green LED on the Kinect sensor.
(可以看到 Kinect 裝置,綠色燈閃爍著。 此圖取自 聖哥 投影片)


2.     The Kinect sensor should appear in Device Manager as the following nodes under “Microsoft Kinect”:
• Microsoft Kinect Audio Array Control
• Microsoft Kinect Camera
• Microsoft Kinect Device
(裝置管理員裡可以看到這三項。 此圖取自 聖哥 投影片)


3.     The Kinect sensor's microphone array should appear under Sound, Video and Game Controllers in Device Manager as:
• Kinect USB Audio

(裝置管理員裡可以看到Kinect USB Audio,效果如上圖)
If you have trouble getting the sensor or SDK working, please read the “Tips and Troubleshooting” section of the SDK Documentation, in the Programming Guide section under Resources.
(假如安裝上遇到問題,可以參考說明文件裡的第10點 Troubleshooting (故障排除))

10. Troubleshooting (故障排除)
See the “Resources" section of the Programming Guide in the Documentation for more troubleshooting tips.
沒什麼作用,可以到第五點 Getting Help,去求救尋找其他資源。

PS. 其實這一段原文,>< " 軟軟應該寫錯了,因為目前這份沒有Resources這個小節,
應該是beta 1的,直接貼過來,沒校稿沒有校正到,因為beta 1有Resources這個小節。)

·         When running the MicArrayEchoCancellation sample, you should be streaming data before you start the capture loop — for example, play a music file on Windows Media Player.
Depth image artifacts(深度影像失真)
·         The depth stream images have periodic vertical line artifacts and also radial band artifacts. The magnitude of these artifacts is small enough that they won't interfere with coarse level operations such as skeleton or other object tracking, but they will affect attempts at precise measurement of object dimensions more significantly.  

DirectX Runtime Errors in Samples
  • Make sure the driver for your PC graphics card is installed properly.
  • Make sure you have Version 9.0c or later of the DirectX runtime.

(如果運行 DirectX,發生問題,
請確定是否有電腦軟體是否有安裝 DirectX  9.0 或新的runtime版本。)
    Speech not working in Shape Game 
    • Make sure you have installed the speech prerequisites, including the runtime and the acoustic model.  These downloads are listed in the System Requirements.
    可以到第一點 System Requirements.中的軟體要求(Software Requirements)安裝相關檔案)

    5. Getting Help (求救的相關資源)

    The SDK documentation can be launched from the Start Menu. The Programming Guide section of the documentation has many important details for developers, including how to access the APIs from C++ and managed code projects, understanding the Natural User Interface APIs and Audio APIs, how to accomplish common tasks, etc.  The documentation also contains API reference information. This readme also contains information that may be useful.
    Online developer resources for Kinect for Windows include the following:
    (開始=>Microsoft Kinect 1.0 Beta2 SDK,就可以看到說明文件)


    ·         Kinect for Windows SDK Beta Forums     (微軟MSDN論壇,目前還未有中文論壇)
    ·         Coding4Fun Kinect Showcase (提供了很多有趣的範例)
    ·         Technical Resources on the Kinect for Windows Website (Kinect 官方網站)
    ·         (coming soon) The Kinect for Windows Blog (未來會有部落格,截至目前為止,還未看到)

    For general Windows development questions, try the following: 
    (到目前KT發稿前,尚未有說明文件,上傳至MSDN,KT預計可能要等到 SDK 正式版出現吧!!!)
    • Microsoft Developer Network (http://msdn.microsoft.com): The latest development documentation to help you create applications for Windows.
    • Microsoft TechNet (http://technet.microsoft.com): The latest administration documentation to help you administer the Windows operating system.
    所以你會發現,單單 Readme 官方這篇文章,就可以學到很多東西。


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